Sokalan® CP 10 is commonly used as a dispersing agent in systems containing active chlorine, as an antiscalant, and a dispersing agent for inorganic solids.


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-- Pentahydrate. 10102-17-7 0.0. 9.02. 9.02.

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Manufacturer: BASF. Product Line: Sokalan® Acrylic Polymers. Product: Sokalan® Acrylic Polymers. SOKALAN® CP 10. Water-soluble Polymers of the Sokalan product line are based on acrylic acid, maleic acid, vinylpyrrolidone, vinylimidazol and/or hydrophobic monomers. Though they are particularly used in the detergent and cleaner industry, they are also used in technical applications where they show powerful their advantages. Sokalan CP® 10 is a modified Polyacrylic acid.

Sokalan® CP 10S can be used as a dispersing agent for inorganic solids and an antiscalant in HI&I applications. It is also very effective in reducing water spotting in automatic dish detergent formulations. Produced through a unique polymerization process CP 10S performs very well in aqueous mediums to disperse inorganic solids.

Manufacturer: BASF. Product Line: Sokalan® Acrylic Polymers. Product: Sokalan® Acrylic Polymers.

Sokalan CP 10 and Sokalan CP 10 S are particularly effective against this type of scale. Sokalan CP 9 is an effective dispersing agent for r ust and other sus-pended particulate matter in water circuits. It keeps the solids finely divided, preventing them from coalescing to form scale.

Molar • Conc. Solution • Current • Data Transfer • Density • Energy, Work • Flow • Flow Mass Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. BASF is the world’s leading chemical company – The Chemical Company.With more than 112,000 employees, six Verbund sites and 376 additional production sites worldwide we serve customers and partners in almost all countries of the world.

Sokalan offers grades for soil anti-redeposition, scale encrustation inhibition and rinse aids to remove dull spots and streaks. Detergent polymers such as Sokalan can also make up for the loss in performance caused by the reduction in phosphate content. They have very pronounced dispersing capacity and are able to counteract the incrustation and the redeposition of soil on dishes while also Sokalan® PA (15, 25, 30) and Sokalan CP (5, 7, 10, 12) produce the best result when dealing with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium sulfate (CaSO4). When you have a silicate-type scale, Sokalan CP 50 or Sokalan CP 42 performs best. Nearly all Sokalan products have some anti-scale benefit.
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Sokalan cp 10

SOKALAN® CP 10. Water-soluble Polymers of the Sokalan product line are based on acrylic acid, maleic acid, vinylpyrrolidone, vinylimidazol and/or hydrophobic monomers. Though they are particularly used in the detergent and cleaner industry, they are also used in technical applications where they show powerful their advantages. Sokalan CP® 10 is a modified Polyacrylic acid. Polymeric Dispersing Agents have the potential to inhibit incrustation and scale formation.

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BASF SE. Miscellaneous Water Supply Products. Trade Designation.

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1668047 SOKALAN FT CP 10 (ELECTROPLATING CHEMICAL) Slovenia: Nhava Sheva Sea: KGS: 50: 16,278: 326: Dec 04 2015: 39069090: SOKALAN (R) CP 10 S: Germany: Ahmedabad: KGS: 130: 27,587: 212: Dec 01 2015: 39069090: SOKALAN CP 10 S (POLYACRYLIC ACID) Germany: Nhava Sheva Sea: KGS: 2,600: 613,040: 236: Sep 18 2015: 39069090: SOKALAN CP 10 …

NL Sokalan® CP 9 Sokalan® CP 10 Sokalan® CP 10 S Sokalan® CP 12 S Sokalan® PA 15 Sokalan® PA 25 CL Gran. Sokalan® PA 30 CL Sokalan® PA 30 CL Gran. Sokalan® PA BTC’s Sokalan® types belong chemically to the class of anionic water soluble polymers. They are either homopolymers or copolymers of acrylic sources. Sokalan® types are used as scale inhibitors or dispersing agents for stabilisation of dispersions. SOKALAN CP 10. 30051448 offer.