Holding; Typ: Aktie; ISIN: SE0005506185; Utdelningsfrekvens: Ingen utdelning; Ticker: NICO på Nasdaq First North; Valuta: SEK; Bolag: Nicoccino Holding AB.


Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the manufacture of alternative nicotine products. Its offering comprises Niccocino, a tobacco-free nicotine product which can be secured

The product is designed to offer smokers an alternative when t Nicoccino Holding AB. Lahällsvägen 48. Täby, AB 183 30. Phone 46 8 200-040. Industry Pharmaceuticals. Sector Health Care/Life Sciences. Fiscal Year-end 12/2021. Revenue kr54K.

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Indicator 1: Moving average: Open Market. This security is traded as a secondary Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the manufacture of alternative nicotine products. Its offering comprises Niccocino, a tobacco-free nicotine product which can be secured under the lip or inside the cheek in order to provide nicotine effect. nicoccino holding ab (publ) –Årsredovisning 2016 innehav aktieägare antal aktier (%) jp morgan bank 3 585 338 25,9 ubs switzerland ag 2 370 369 17,1 hübinette, fredrik 1 448 739 10,5 svenska handelsbanken ab 1 388 254 10,0 lejonfemman i nÄssjÖ ab 1 021 913 7,4 edlund, johan 516 360 3,7 banque internationale lux 357 862 2,6 mats eriksson 2021-03-28 Nicoccino AB ingår i en koncern med 3 bolag. Koncernmoderbolag är Nicoccino Holding AB (publ).

Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden based company which has developed and patented a nicotine product free from tobacco. It offers a strip that through its delivery method provides the user with nicotine without the side effects of smoking. The product is designed to offer smokers an alternative when they want to quit smoking.

NICCOCINO AB (publ) 2014 Bolagsbeskrivning inför listning på NASDAQ OMX First North 3 Viktig information Definitioner ”Nicoccino Holding” eller ”Bolaget” avser koncernen bestående av Nicoccino Holding AB (publ) (org. nr.

Nicoccino Holding tillverkar nikotinprodukter. Produkten är konstruerad som en tunn film som sätts nära munslemhinnan för att absorberas och snabbt komma ut i blodomloppet. Visionen är att erbjuda rökare ett effektivt hjälpmedel för att sluta röka.

11.00 på Advokatfirman Lindberg & Saxons kontor, Sturegatan 46 i Stockholm. Med anledning av covid-19-pandemin har styrelsen beslutat att aktieägare ska ha möjlighet … Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the manufacture of alternative nicotine products. Its offering comprises Niccocino, a tobacco-free nicotine product which can be secured under the lip or inside the ch eek in order to provide nicotine effect. Niccocino is a thin leaf, containing 1 milligram (mg) of algae-derived nicotine, which dissolves in mouth. Nicoccino Holding AB är moderbolag i en koncern med totalt tre bolag.

Koncernmoderbolag är Nicoccino Holding AB (publ). Koncernstrukturen baseras på uppgifter från 2018-12. Nicoccino Holding AB (publ) 0 anställda. Omsättning 2 064 tkr Vinst 119 tkr. Nicoccino AB. Nicoccino: BOKSLUTSKOMMUNIKÉ JANUARI - DECEMBER 2020 NICOCCINO HOLDING AB (publ) 20.11.2020 klo 7.35 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt NICOCCINO: FÖRLUSTEN ÖKADE TILL 1,6 MLN KR 3 KV (-1,1) 20.11.2020 klo 7.00 · Cision Nicoccino Holding AB Q3 Delårsrapport; 14.10.2020 klo 16.20 · Cision Företrädesemissionen i Nicoccino tecknades till 133 procent Nicoccino Holding AB bildades under 2013 men bedrev ingen verksamhet förrän 2014 då bolaget genomförde kontantemissioner om 40 mnkr samt en apportemission varigenom Nicoccino Holding AB förvärvade dotterbolaget Nicoccino AB som driver den operativa verksamheten. Därför lämnas inga jämförelsesiffror för föregående år.
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Visionen är att erbjuda rökare ett effektivt hjälpmedel för att sluta röka. Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden based company which has developed and patented a nicotine product free from tobacco. It offers a strip that through its delivery method provides the user with nicotine without the side effects of smoking. The product is designed to offer smokers an alternative when t Nicoccino Holding AB. Lahällsvägen 48.
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Juridiskt namn. Nicoccino Holding AB (publ). F-skatt. Ja, registrerad för F-skatt. Org. nummer. 556942-1604. Datum för upprättande. 2013-09-11. Antal anställda.

Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the manufacture of alternative nicotine products. Its offering comprises Niccocino, a tobacco-free nicotine product which can be secured Nicoccino Holding AB engages in the development, administration, and marketing of alternative nicotine product free from tobacco.

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Nicoccino Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the manufacture of alternative nicotine products. Its offering comprises Niccocino, a tobacco-free nicotine product which can be secured under the lip or inside the cheek in order to provide nicotine effect.

Sector Health Care/Life Sciences. Fiscal Year-end 12/2021.