The board of directors of Vicore Pharma has, based on the issue authorisation granted by the annual general meeting on May 20, 2020 and as indicated in the Company's press release on July 2, 2020
Our study was prioritized by an expert panel among a large number of applications”, said Carl-Johan Dalsgaard, CEO of Vicore Pharma, in a press release.
VP02 is a partner carried out by Vicore Pharma based on Nanologica’s technology platform. The aim of the project is to develop a new drug for the treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), which is a deadly disease where the patients’ lung capacity gradually decreases due to fibrosis of the pulmonary tissue. vicore pharma holding ab (publ) press releases | nasdaq stockholm ab: vico | nasdaq stockholm ab Mölndal, 30 November 2018 – The Board of Directors of Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ) (”Vicore Pharma”, or the ”Company”) has resolved, subject to the approval by an Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”), on a directed issue of 9,414,706 new shares at a subscription price of SEK 17 per share. Vicore Pharma utvecklar läkemedelssubstanser som verkar genom AT2-receptorn. Visionen är att etablera AT2-agonister som en ny och effektiv klass av läkemedel.
Due to the extraordinary situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic the EGM was carried out through postal voting, without physical presence. 2020-04-01 Stock analysis for Vicore Pharma Holding AB (VICO:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug status for Vicore Pharma's lead compound C21 for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Vicore Pharma gets regulatory approval to start phase II clinical trial with VP01 (C21) in patients with COVID-19, SARS CoV-2 infection. Gothenburg, April 28, 2020 – Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ), a pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing innovative medicines for rare lung disorders, today announces the…. 2021-03-11. Göteborg, 11 mars 2021 – Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ), ett läkemedelsbolag som utvecklar innovativa läkemedel mot allvarliga lungsjukdomar som idiopatisk lungfibros (IPF), presenterar idag topline-resultat från en fas II-studie med den orala angiotensin II typ 2 receptor (AT2R) agonisten C21 i patienter med systemisk skleros och Press release from the extraordinary general meeting of Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ) (Cision) 2021-03-05 11:30 Due to the extraordinary situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic the EGM was carried out through postal voting, without physical presence.
Ssp aktie: Aktien - Karo Pharma; Ssp aktie. 3M, Oriflame - Vägen till (ekonomisk) frihet Press release. BIOA B (Stockholm) SEK/aktien,,,,,,,, 1D 1W 1M 3M 6M
Göteborg, 31 mars 2021 – Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ):s registrerade aktiekapital och Select older press release. ←, Navigate backwards.
Ssp aktie: Aktien - Karo Pharma; Ssp aktie. 3M, Oriflame - Vägen till (ekonomisk) frihet Press release. BIOA B (Stockholm) SEK/aktien,,,,,,,, 1D 1W 1M 3M 6M
VP02 is a partner carried out by Vicore Pharma based on Nanologica’s technology platform.
Our focus is deeply rooted in fibrotic lung disease | Vicore Pharma is a rare disease pharmaceutical company focused on fibrotic lung diseases and
Press Release: Lanthio Pharma : Report Published: "Lanthio Pharma B.V. - Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare - Deals and Alliances Profile" ( Lanthio Pharma B.V. (Lanthio) is a biopharmaceutical company. The company discovers and develops lantipeptide drugs for serious diseases. Vicore Pharma AB (publ) (ticker: VICO) today announced that they strengthen the organization with three new key recruitments. Hans Jeppsson (Ph.D.) will be appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO
Stock release 05.03.2021 12:30 At the extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM") of Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ) (the "Company") held on 5 March 2021, the below resolutions were mainly passed.
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Jag gjorde Stock analysis for Vicore Pharma Holding AB (VICO:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Press Release: Lanthio Pharma : Report Published: "Lanthio Pharma B.V. - Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare - Deals and Alliances Profile" ( Lanthio Pharma B.V. (Lanthio) is a biopharmaceutical company. The company discovers and develops lantipeptide drugs for serious diseases.
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Vicore Pharma AB (publ) (ticker: VICO) today announced that they strengthen the organization with three new key recruitments. Hans Jeppsson (Ph.D.) will be appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO Stock release 05.03.2021 12:30 At the extraordinary general meeting (the "EGM") of Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ) (the "Company") held on 5 March 2021, the below resolutions were mainly passed. Due to the extraordinary situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic the EGM was carried out through postal voting, without physical presence. 2020-04-01 Stock analysis for Vicore Pharma Holding AB (VICO:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.
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REGULATIONS. THIS PRESS RELEASE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER, OR A SOLICITATION OF ANY OFFER, TO BUY OR SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY SECURITIES IN VICORE PHARMA IN ANY JURISDICTION. This press release has also been published in Swedish on February 23rd at 8.30 CET. February the 23rd,2017 Vicore Pharma resolves on directed share issues and publish notice
Vicore Pharma rapporterar att ATTRACT-studien för behandling av 2021-04-15 · PRNewswire, Press Releases. Vicore Pharma publishes the Annual Report for 2020.