1.1 Alternative forms; 1.2 Etymology; 1.3 Noun; 1.4 Adjective. The Chow Chow (sometimes simply Chow) is a dog breed originally from northern China, where it
Any of numerous finches (family Emberizidae) that are New World birds (as the song sparrow or tree sparrow) resembling the Old World. + improve definition Help us improve our definitions, add your own or improve one of these for the word sparrow as a noun
English sparrow; One of the world's best-known and most abundant small birds (Passer domesticus, family Noun. Alternative form of gulv Definite of golv golvet (Norwegian Nynorsk) Noun golvet (neut.) Definite of golv golvet golvan (Breton) Noun sparrow. EN. sparrow. More information. Translations & Examples; Context sentences sparrow {noun}. sparv expand_more Ever try to track a sparrow out of space?
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noun A small finch-like Old World bird related to the weaver birds, typically with brown and grey plumage. 'Everything from the modest sparrow to the extravagant scarlet macaw came to perch and settle around her.' Sparrow definition is - any of a genus (Passer of the family Passeridae) of small chiefly brownish or grayish Old World oscine songbirds that include some which have been widely introduced; especially : house sparrow. barn owl. bird of paradise. Explore Thesaurus . Definition and synonyms of sparrow from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of sparrow.
sparrow ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, sparrow là gì: 1. a small, grey-brown bird that is especially common in towns 2. a common, small, gray-brown bird. Tìm hiểu thêm.
sparrowmåfågel i synnerhet inom familjen sparvfinkar eller familjen a sparrow; most commonly the house sparrow (gråsparv, Passer domesticus), but Hur man uttalar "vesper sparrow" Lägg till ditt eget uttal av "vesper sparrow" definitioner av "vesper sparrow". Noun.
Pronunciation. E. 2. Swedish. e is. pronounced: long syllables nearly like a in name and. ai in sail, German e in fe^(en and
Feb 6, 2018 - The zero plural is a plural form of a count noun that is identical to the singular form. Here are some examples from famous texts. House Sparrow. Add new translation. Comparison of Gråsparv as noun Noun. 1. En art Passer domesticus inom fågelfamiljen sparvfinkar Passeridae; individ proper noun.
It was grey."
House sparrows are noisy and gregarious, often going around together in small flocks. Find out more abut house sparrows. A noun is a person, place or thing. Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics.
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enemy , thief . A cock - sparrow en sparf- 22. Chow chows are one of the fluffiest, thickest-coated dog breeds in the world. Chow-chow (also spelled chowchow or chow chow) is a North American pickled NADJA WEDIN Limited edition muggar by Hemtex ”House sparrow” 2 mugg sista! Avslutad: 1 apr 03:58; Vinnande bud: 464 krUngoj(2 bud); Frakt: DB Schenker Red-bellied Grackle, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, White-necked Jacobin, Black-throated Mango, Golden-winged Sparrow, Black-backed Antshrike, Whooping sparrow.
Definitions of sparrow.
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Vilket hus? It can't be a noun, it wouldn't make sense to say "The sparrow influenza for days.".
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sparrow. noun. /ˈspærəʊ/. /ˈspærəʊ/. jump to other results. a small brown and grey bird, common in many parts of the world Topics Birds c2. Oxford Collocations Dictionary. Sparrow is …
Another noun already ending in –s that takes a zero plural is species: In the course of the day, we would see grazing mallards with emerald heads, tree swallows with iridescent turquoise capes and several sparrow species, each distinguished by a unique ornament: swoops of yellow around the eye, a delicate pink beak, a copper crown. 2021-03-04 · With a paper towel I pickup the offering, delicate creature with a snapped neck. It’s a sparrow, I think; this one won’t sing anymore. Sometimes a proper burial is in order. Sometimes we remain in a hefty bag.