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CONTACT. LOGIN MEDIA HUB. Home / System 75 / System 75 Earrings. System 75 Earrings PIERCING YOU CAN TRUST. Are you a Studex Piercing Professional?

The System 75? was designed as an easy-to-use, disposable cartridge ear piercing system to meet the demands of the professional ear piercing technican.

This is especially important when piercing young children’s ears. VISIBLE STUD AND POINT: The stud is always visible-inside the sealed packaging and when loaded in the instrument- for ease of identification. sensitive by studex® stainless steel 3x3mm cubic zirconia princess cut pink (system 75) 7512-0450-23.

Fördelar med Studex® System75™. Knappt märkbar procedur – det tycker även barn; Utmärkt precision; Nästan ljudlöst; Säkert, hygieniskt och snabbt; Sterila 

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Never before has ear piercing been this simple, gentle, and safe.
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Tulajdonság - Füllyukasztás The name STUDEX® is synonymous with trust and safety in piercing around the world. By choosing Priv, you will have your ears pierced by the Studex System 75 which meets & exceeds the USA FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and E.C. (European Communities) standards. STUDEX® system 75 guarantees quality and safety. Baby Studex System 75 Perforación de Orejas de bebé, San José.

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torres prison inmate search • e-mail: 1. Peel off the backing paper from the blister. Do Not Remove the Cartridge From The Blister! 2. Holding the sides firmly, slide the cartridge down into the channel in the instrument until is seated fully. 3. Lift off the plastic blister. Do not discard the blister, as you will need it later. 4. Mark

LOGIN MEDIA HUB. Home / System 75 / System 75 Starter Kit. System 75 Starter Kit PIERCING YOU CAN TRUST. Are you a Studex Piercing Professional? Login now … Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Studex System 75 Ear Piercing Kit at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

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Studex och Studex-logotypen är registrerade varumärken och System75 är ett varumärke som tillhör Studex, Inc., U.S.A. Bolagsinformation

Studex System 75 offers the safest ear piercing available today. Every piercing stud, hoop and instrument meets or exceeds all US FDA and EC European standards and regulations. All Studex studs and hoops are hypoallergenic, nickel-safe, lead-, cadmium- and cobalt-free. Studex System 75 offers the safest ear piercing available today.