On April 15, 2020, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health, Dr. Rachel Levine, issued a statewide order concerning the use of face coverings and masks to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Enforcement of the Order began on Sunday, April 19, and violators could be cited with summary offenses and other consequences such as license suspensions for failure to comply.


Pennsylvania Health Department orders mandatory masking Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said the order will further protect workers and the public from the spread of COVID-19, which has killed more than 600 residents and sickened 26,000 others.

Enforcement of the Order began on Sunday, April 19, and violators could be cited with summary offenses and other consequences such as license suspensions for failure to comply. Pa. strengthens masking mandate, announces new traveler testing order but said they don't have plans to check people driving or flying into Pennsylvania. The order takes effect on Friday, Nov The order does not apply to people who commute into Pennsylvania for work from neighboring states. It takes effect Friday.

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2020-11-23 2021-03-22 Pennsylvania residents who travel to other states must follow the same rules upon returning home. The order does not apply to people who commute into Pennsylvania for work from neighboring states. 2021-03-23 PA Principals Association Professional Development Opportunities. REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2021 PA Educational Leadership Summit – August 1-3, 2021 at Kalahari Resorts & Convention Center.

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Pa. leaders expand mandatory masking in new order Effective immediately, masks are now mandatory when leaving home, following an expansion of Pennsylvania's business safety order. Secretary of HARRISBURG, PA — Pennsylvania has expanded its mask-wearing requirements, making it mandatory that all residents wear a face covering whenever leaving their homes.

The order, signed under Secretary Levine's authority under the Disease Prevention and Control Act, outlines the situations when a mask must be worn and includes limited exceptions to the face-covering requirement. Answers to questions school leaders may have regarding the application of this order in school settings is included below.

Levine also said she is strengthening the masking order that was first The Pennsylvania Department of Health announced Monday that it has amended the masking order for fully vaccinated people.Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said the change is to align with What Pennsylvania’s Mask Order Means For You And Your Business. On April 15, 2020, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health, Dr. Rachel Levine, issued a statewide order concerning the use of face coverings and masks to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Enforcement of the Order began on Sunday, April 19, and violators could On November 17, 2020, the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health announced a strengthened Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings. The order, signed under Secretary Levine's authority under the Disease Prevention and Control Act, outlines the situations when a mask must be worn and includes limited exceptions to the face-covering PA Department of Health amends masking orders to align with current CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated people. The amended order went into effect on March 17, and will remain in effect until The new order, which aims to further mitigate the spread of COVID-19, requires mandatory masking outside when unable to social distance, in public buildings and on public transportation. HARRISBURG, PA — Pennsylvania on Tuesday announced a strengthened mask order aimed to slow the spread of the coronavirus. RELATED: Expect To Wear Masks In PA Through 2021, Officials Say Masking (The Center Square) - Pennsylvania’s top health official signed an order Wednesday mandating both essential employees and customers that patronize life sustaining businesses must wear face masks.

Resources and Loans To help navigate through the potential financial impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on Pennsylvania businesses, the state and federal government are offering loans to help offset the revenue lost.
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The Pennsylvania Department of Health announced Monday that it has amended the masking order for fully vaccinated people.Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said the change is to align with

Indoors: masks now required anytime you're with people outside of your household,  3 days ago Pennsylvania mandates "universal face coverings" under a Nov. 18 order from state Health Secretary Rachel Levine, which strengthened a  17 Nov 2020 Imposing new rules to combat the surge without ordering shutdown-style restrictions, Health Secretary Rachel Levine ordered that people wear  What type of mask complies with this Order? The Order requires individuals to wear a "face covering." "Face covering" means covering of the nose and mouth  17 Nov 2020 Pennsylvania is planning to take additional steps to address a sharp increase in coronavirus infections and hospitalizations, including requiring  6 Jul 2020 Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Announced July 1 that face masks are now mandatory in public spaces across the state to stop the spread of  Indefinitely extends existing orders that all individuals entering courthouses and working within courthouses must wear a face mask  27 Jul 2020 From a customer perspective, the order directs businesses to make mask- wearing mandatory for its customers and directs a business to deny  27 Aug 2020 The operation of gyms and fitness facilities must follow masking requirements as provided by the July 1st Order and implement necessary  1 Jul 2020 Masks now required in all public spaces in Pennsylvania, Gov. Wolf says If you leave your house, put on a mask.

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17 Nov 2020 Strengthening masking order. Masks are still required. Indoors: masks now required anytime you're with people outside of your household, 

2021-03-23 PA Principals Association Professional Development Opportunities. REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2021 PA Educational Leadership Summit – August 1-3, 2021 at Kalahari Resorts & Convention Center. 2021 PA Educational Leadership Summit – Schedule at a Glance; 2021 PA Educational Leadership Summit – Exhibit Opportunity; SAVE THE DATE – LEAD21 CONFERENCE Pennsylvania Health Department orders mandatory masking. (The Center Square) - Pennsylvania’s top health official signed an order Wednesday mandating both essential employees and customers that patronize life sustaining businesses must wear face masks. Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said the order will further protect workers and the Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine is now ordering anyone coming to Pennsylvania from another state to have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of arrival, or quarantine for 14 days or until they get a negative result. The order also applies to Pennsylvanians upon return from traveling.