A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. It's all here.


Fink, R., Latour, M., och Wallmark, Z., red., 2018. The relentless pursuit of tone: timbre in popular music. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 386 s.

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With over 25 channels of R&B to set the mood, you'll want to turn down the lights and enjoy! R.E.X. Records, also known as R.E.X. Music, was an independent record label founded by Doug Mann and Gavin Morkel, which operated from 1987 until running into financial difficulty in 1995. Operations were based in Chicago until 1990 when the company moved to Nashville. The label was artistic in nature, and though they were especially active in the Christian metal genre some acts (such as Apple Music R&B Me and Bae Apple Music R&B Sampled: '90s R&B Apple Music Essentials. See All The Weeknd Essentials Alicia Keys Essentials Chris Brown Essentials Usher Essentials Beyoncé Essentials More Artist Playlists.

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